Sale of excess production

Do you want to maximise the benefits of your solar panel production? At Eljoi we offer a simple and effective solution for selling the excess production from your solar panels. Here you can see how the process works:

Signing an Ancillary Agreement with Eljoi: To start selling your surplus electricity, you first need to sign an Ancillary Agreement with us at Eljoi. The agreement gives us the necessary authorisations to manage the sale of the excess electricity your solar panels generate.

Verify CIE (Certificado de Instalación Eléctrica): Don't have a valid CIE yet? Don't worry! Our experienced electricians can issue this certificate for you. It is an important part of the process to ensure that your installation is safe and complies with all technical requirements.

Sell Back the Amount of kWh you Consume: After the supplemental agreement is signed and the CIE is in place, you can start selling back the same amount of kilowatt hours (KWh) that you purchase monthly. This allows you to benefit from the surplus production and reduce your electricity bill.
Contact our Customer Service Centre for Support: Our Customer Service Centre is ready to help you throughout the process. If you have any questions, need additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact us. We strive to make selling surplus electricity as smooth and beneficial as possible for you. Maximise the benefit of your solar panels with Eljoi. Contact us today and let us guide you towards more sustainable and economically favourable energy management.

Want to know more? Contact us!


03186 Orihuela

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 13.30-13.30


Sweden: +46102529080
Spain: +34965029123

WhatsApp: +34675801980


Frågor och svar

Kan jag sälja överproduktionen från mina solpaneler på min privatbostad i Spanien?

I Spanien kan privatpersoner med solpaneler på sin bostad ansluta sig till elnätet och sälja överproduktionen. Detta regleras av den spanska lagstiftningen och kan variera beroende på regionen.

Vart ser jag hur många kWh jag har sålt?

På er faktura från Eljoi ser ni som kund hur många kWh som har sålts av ert överskott samt att ni kan se hur mycket ni har fått betalt per kWh.