Other questions

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you are missing an answer, please contact us at customer service.
When is the invoice sent?
The invoice is sent once a month. The timing of the invoice depends on when the electricity consumption readings are sent to us by the network owner. Usually, the invoice is sent to the customer after the 15th of each month and therefore refers to the previous month. For example, the billing period may run from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the next and the bill for that period is sent at the end of the following month.

When will my invoice be debited?
The invoice is debited from your account by direct debit approximately 7 days after you receive the invoice, which is usually after the 23rd of each month.

What does my bank statement say when the invoice has been debited?
When your invoice is debited via direct debit by Eljoi, it is done in cooperation with Nexus Energia, which means that your bank statement shows Nexus Energia.

Can I increase my power/potencia in my home?
Yes, we can help you increase the power in your home. We work closely with a certified electrician, APMS, to help you secure your electricity supply. If you need to make an increase, the intervention of an electrician is required. The cost of the electrician varies depending on your region. Contact our support to get the exact price and to find out how your new monthly fee will be affected by the increased power. We will coordinate the whole process with your help.

Can I change my IBAN/bank account?
Yes, you can easily change your IBAN under "my pages" or by sending the new details to us via email to hej@eljoi.com.

Can I change the contract holder of my contract?
Yes, contact our support team to change the contract holder by sending an email to us at hej@eljoi.com or calling us on our support phone +46102529080.

Want to know more? Contact us!


03186 Orihuela

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 09.30-13.30


Sweden: +46102529080
Spain: +34965029123

WhatsApp: +34675801980

